A meeting to raise awareness and disseminate information about obesity and eating disorders with Polo Pontino university students
Friday 18-9-2019

Third mission activities
Awareness on obesity and eating disorders
Department of Medical-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnology
Conference room Faculty of Economics, Sapienza
Via XXIV Maggio, Latina

An artistic event dedicated to raising awareness about obesity and eating disorders with higher school students

Auditorium Liceo Scientifico GB Grassi
Latina 19.9.2020

The heaviness of my weight

The organizing committee of the 4th edition of the Short Film Festival “Filmdipeso” in collaboration with the headmasters of the Senior Schools of Latina:
Liceo Scientifico Statale “G.B. Grassi”;
Liceo delle Scienze Umane “A. Manzoni”;
Liceo Artistico Statale;
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “San Benedetto”;
announces the second edition of the contest. The competition is reserved for students in senior schools participating in the competition.

Weight represents an important “burden” in adolescence, influencing social relations, school relations, psychological growth and academic performance. The web spreads fake news offering often misleading models and giving advice, suggestions on how to self-manage one’s weight in a perspective of manipulating one’s image.

The “excesses” of weight (anorexia, bulimia, obesity) are very serious disorders that must be carefully evaluated by specialized medical teams to recommend effective treatment.

The theme of the contest can be interpreted through the following expressive forms: narrative, 15-minute short film, sculpture, painting and other graphic arts, photography and recipes.

Photo contest

The contest is created in order to raise awareness about weight stigma, i.e. the “Weight Bias”: it is a set of negative attitudes or stereotypes towards underweight, overweight and obese people. Weight stigma involves exclusion, marginalization and discrimination in the workplace, in the education and healthcare system.

The competition is free and open to everyone.

The deadline is the 5th of September 2020, the photos have to be sent in digital format to the email address fotofilmdipeso2020@gmail.com. If the file is too large to be supported by Gmail please use wetransfer or other portals.